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Beach Family Photographer | Naples, Florida

When I moved to Naples and started photographing here, I developed a great affinity for our beaches. As a beach family photographer, I am aware of the magic it holds for my photo sessions.

What makes the beaches in Naples, Florida the perfect backdrop for family photos?

Let’s explore some of the reasons I think the beaches are the perfect location for family photos in Naples, Florida.

The beaches are one big playground perfect for family photos

The beaches have sand to dig in, waves to chase, and an open playground to run around. This makes it an ideal location for children and family photos. When children have something to do in the session they are so much happier and the photos appear more natural.


Naples has beautiful white sand beaches that photograph gorgeous.

This minimalistic and clean backdrop goes with almost any color palette you want to wear. It also is a light natural reflector for your portraits to give it that extra special touch. Not only that, Naples takes great care of its beaches which shows in your images. The beach entrances are kept manicured and usually have gorgeous places to photograph leading up to the entrance itself.

Even after Hurricane Ian, we saw most of the beaches cleaned up within a few months and I was able to photograph this family session along the beach. 

 There is lots of greenery surrounding Naples beaches which provide for a variety of images

Around the beaches of Naples there are large palm trees and full callusas. The greenery provides another backdrop to use in photos. This gives great variety in your images.

kids on the beach for their beach family photos

kids on the beach for their beach family photos

A few tips for planning a beach family photo shoot:

  • During the height of winter, beaches can be very crowded during sunset with tourists.  You may want to consider a sunrise family session instead.
  • The beach can be too bright to photograph until the last 20-30 minutes before sunset. For this reason, pick a location that has a picturesque beach entrance.  Beach entrances are a great place to start your session while you wait for the sun to set a bit more.
  • Beaches can be very windy, so bring hair ties just in case!
  • Lots of clients ask me what to wear for a beach session.  The beach is super neutral so a lot of color combos work.  A few of my favorites are pastels or any muted shade of green or blue. Look at Quince’s website for some great beachwear options!
  • When picking out outfits try to find ones that hide any tan lines and if you wear an apple watch all the time, try and get some sun on those wrists before the session.
  • Remember you are on the beach, so bare feet are usually the way to go.

mother and daughter running the coastline for their family photos at the beach

Ready to book your beach family photographer?

If you’d like to learn more about my family photography sessions, you can do so here on my Naples Family Photographers Page.  If you’re looking for family pictures in Naples, Florida, please reach out today!