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The Best Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations Ranked

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If you are a friend of mine, there is a good chance I’ve already shared my obsession with Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations with you. And if we see each other more often, there’s a good chance I’ve peer pressured you into also listening to them, and perhaps you are already experiencing your own AH-HA moments every day.

Buy Oprah's Super Soul Book: The Wisdom of Sundays

I first stumbled upon Super Soul conversations while I was searching for interviews with Thich Nhat Hanh. I found a video interview Oprah had with him on deep listening. It was my first Super soul conversation and I was hooked.

What’s special about the super soul conversations?

Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations are so much more than just background noise.  Her conversations are filled with insights on intentional living, connecting to your purpose, being present, secrets to happiness, and much more. Sometimes I find myself repeating certain episodes three to four times to try and absorb all the goodness each conversation has to offer. There seems to be an episode for any time of big, (or small!),  life moment you might be going through.

These conversations helped kick-start a bigger journey for me that eventually led me to create my own coaching business, Aligned + Kind, and help keep me centered and peaceful, (and hopeful) at times when it feels like the world can be overwhelming to exist in. Being a wedding photographer is still a big part of my life, but coaching with Aligned + Kind has given me the outlet and creative spark to help inspire others to live their lives connected to the present and their purpose. I have these podcasts to thank for that.

I’m excited to share these podcasts with everyone I possibly can and because of this,  I’ve compiled an informal list of my favorite Oprah’s Super Soul conversations to help get you started.

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The best Oprah’s super soul conversations

This post was originally only my favorite 8, but as more podcasts continue to get released, I’ve had to add quite a few. 

  1. Don Miguel Ruiz: Find Freedom, Happiness and Love : 
  2. Anthony Ray Hinton, Part 1 Freedom After 30 Years on Death Row
  3. Anthony Ray Hinton,  Part 2, Finding Life, Hope and Redemption
  4. Dr. Maya Angelou, Pt One : 9 Words That Changed Her Life
  5. Dr. Maya Angelou: Pt  Two: Best Advice She Ever Received
  6. Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith: Manifest the Life of Your Dreams
  7. Brene Brown Part 1: Daring Greatly
  8. Brene Brown Part 2: Living with a Whole Heart
  9. Bryan Stevenson: The Power of Mercy and Forgiveness
  10. Jack Canfield: Fulfilling Your Soul’s Purpose (Joy is your internal guidance!)
  11. Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor: “My Stroke of Insight” 
  12. Sister Joan Chittister: Two Words That Can Change the World: I have listened and re-listened to this podcast a few times and every time I listen, I have a new “Aha moment!”
  13. Eckhart Tolle: Free Yourself From Anxiety, Stress, and Unhappiness 
  14. Wayne Dyer: The Art of Manifestation
  15. Dr. Phil Part 1 & Part 2
  16. Marianne Williamson, A Return To Love
  17. Byron Katie Set Yourself Free 

The Best Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations Ranked

Some adds and links in this post are affiliate links. If you click through and take action, I’ll be compensated. Click here for my full disclaimer.

If you are a friend of mine, there is a good chance I’ve already shared my obsession with Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations with you. And if we see each other more often, there’s a good chance I’ve peer pressured you into also listening to them, and perhaps you are already experiencing your own AH-HA moments every day.

Buy Oprah's Super Soul Book: The Wisdom of Sundays

My Top Runner-Up SuperSoul Conversations (these are worth listening to!)

The best of Oprah’s SuperSoul Podcast | Shaw Photo Co. | Aligned + Kind



The more I listen to these podcasts the more I’ve become familiar with Oprah’s own “A-ha” moments. These are instances where something someone says hits Oprah in a way she hadn’t considered it before. I get really excited when Oprah has an Aha moment because after interviewing people for years and years, it amazes me that even SHE is still open to seeing things in a new light.

Do you have a favorite SuperSoul Conversation? I’d love to hear! Email me at [email protected] with your favorite episode and why and I’ll give it a listen!


The best of Oprah’s SuperSoul Podcast | Shaw Photo Co. | Aligned + Kind