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Family Session at Tift Nature Preserve | Buffalo New York Film Family Photographer

I met Michele years ago at a photo retreat in Moab, UT.  We instantly hit it off as she was raised about an hour outside of Buffalo, NY in a town called Dunkirk.  She now lives in Toronto with her beautiful family.  Every summer she meets up with her sister and her kids in the town they grew up in for a magical few weeks where they reconnect in beautiful Western NY.

I feel so honored that over the past 2 years, Michele and her kids,  (along with her sister and her sister’s kids) have made a trip to Buffalo, NY to have their two families documented together on film.  Last year we chose a city backdrop to their photos, so this year we decided on Tifft Nature Preserve, which is just outside of the city limits for vibrant greens, hills, and a scenic setting during sunset. 

If you live in Buffalo, or the Western New York area and are interested in a session, I am currently booking family sessions for the time I am home over the summer (June-August).  Sessions include a 60-70 minute session on film, on location up to 20 miles from Buffalo.  There is an additional fee to travel past 20 minutes or for extended family sessions with more than 6 people. Reach out to me at [email protected] for more details!


Looking to schedule a family 

If you’re looking for a family session on film in Buffalo, New York I am still consistently making trips there during the summer months so please reach out for details. I looking forward to meeting you!

Are you ready to book your family photo session? Or, do you have more questions about how to get started? Get in touch! We’re always happy to guide you in making the best decision for you and your family.