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Day Two, Part Two: Avanti Mansion, Hamburg, NY

Aaron marched in with his Baratt (on the most beautiful white horse we’ve ever seen), to be greeted by Divya’s family. This worked itself into the Milni, the exchanging of the garlands which was one of our favorite parts of the whole wedding. The love given with each exchange & hug was so powerful it was felt by all. Then, the whole wedding proceeding down to the Avanti Mansion outside garden where the Jai Mala ceremony was held. Jai Mala is one of most significant rituals that are performed at the wedding ceremony where the bride and groom exchange garland. When placing the garland around one anthers neck, the receiver of the garland must bow his/her head which is seen as a gesture of submission, so naturally, there is a lot of fun in this exchange as neither Divya or Aaron wanted to be the first to have the garland put around their neck. Divya’s brother came to her aide and lifted her in the air, helping her get the garland on Aaron first.  Afterwards, we proceeded to the back tent where choreographed dances were performed for the bride & groom. 

To see the previous posts from this wedding:

Day One : Mehendi Ceremony

Day Two, Part One:  Haldi/Choora/Kalira


To see the ceremony, continue here.