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Make Friends with Film



A Intimate Hands On Film Photography Workshop in New York

Make Friends with Film Photography Workshop | with Shaw Photography Co. Alexandra Meseke


A One Day Intimate, Hands-On, Film Photography Workshop

Limited to 6 attendees

approximate schedule time: 9:30am-4:30pm


Sign up here to get updates on the next workshop!

Make Friends with Film Photography Workshop | Shaw Photo Co.


Who is this workshop for?




Why this workshop, and not more YouTube videos?



Most importantly, you should be super enthusiastic and excited about the possibility of shooting film. You are itching to start incorporating it into your own work. Maybe that work is paid, maybe that work is personal. Maybe it’s weddings. Maybe it’s portraits. Either way, you have scoured the internet, read blog posts, watched youtube videos, only to feel like you still aren’t nearly ready to begin. There is just too much information out there, and you don’t know what to listen to. We feel our workshop is best suited for established photographers, or hobbyists that already know their way around a DSLR, and the digital editing process. In order to give you a better understanding of the ins and outs of shooting film we will be making comparisons to the way things are done with digital shooting. This is not a workshop for photography beginners. Film beginners YES, but photography beginners NO.



Film Stocks
– The how and why of the most popular film stocks used in the industry.
– Best film stocks for certain editing styles.
– Best film stocks for certain lighting situations.

Film Cameras
– Small format(35mm) vs. medium format(120mm).
– Diving into the stylistic as well as technical differences between shooting each format.
– What cameras are best for which shooting situations.
– Minding your budget when buying a film camera. How much money do you REALLY need to spend?

Metering Film – Choosing Exposures
– An intensive tutorial on properly metering your film, including how your style and film stock will be affected by the way you choose to meter your film.

Choosing a Film Lab
– How to choose the lab that’s right for you, and best suits your needs. It’s actually a very personal choice.
– We will provide a list of all the best labs in the industry.
– Why it’s so important to develop an open and good relationship with your lab.

How to incorporate Film into your business
– How to price for shooting film.
– How to talk with clients about shooting film.
– How much film to shoot during weddings and sessions and how it differs from shooting digital.
– We will be open books about the journey we’ve both been on to get where we are today.


Each attendee at the Make Friends with Film Photography Workshop will have a chance to shoot at least one roll of film during our shooting time. We will be giving hands-on practical advice about metering, camera use, film loading during this time. Letting you practice what you are learning. Attendees will be given a lesson plan on how to shoot each frame on their roll during the workshop, and the proper way to keep notes about what they’re shooting. We will go over how to send your film to lab, and what to look for once you get your scans back, so you can learn from the plan given.


  • Intimate workshop seat limited to 12 people total
  • Coffee, water and light morning snacks
  • Lunch (TBA from where, please let us know if you have dietary restrictions when registering)
  • Film and developing that we will be practicing with during the workshop
  • Cameras to use/practice with during the shooting portion if you don’t have one already
  • Savings and promotions from our sponsors!

The Kodak Camera Club is providing all the film for you guys to shoot with for the workshop. They are also providing enough cameras for all our attendees to shoot with. So if you don’t own a film camera, no fear, the Kodak Camera Club has you covered!

Kodak Camera Club Film Photography Workshop Sponsor
Thefindlab film photography workshop sponsor
Refined Lightroom Presets Discount
Smart Albums Coupon Code for Film Workshop
Ugly Duck Coffee
Film Photography Workshop | Shaw Photo Co.


Sign up to get updates on the next workshop, as well as future one-on-one mentorship coaching with Brian coming up in 2020!

Film Photography Workshop | Shaw Photo Co.