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Tomorrow is the 10th of October and we’re due with another 10-on-10  but we’re uploading ours on the 9th because today is our last day with internet for a little bit. Tomorrow renters are coming into our “old” house to live here for the time being while we’re on the road and we’ve moved into a new apartment in North Buffalo where our “stuff” will reside while we’re gone.  It’s strange saying goodbye to your old dwelling so our 10-on-10 is an ode to the home that’s kept us warm for the last 5 years. These photos were taken with our iphone and,  we know, not the best quality, but the photos hold a lot of meaning to us as they are photos of the walls that hold some of our best memories: purchasing our first home, our first years of marriage, our first years with finnegan and fiona,  our first international “kid” experience (ask us about Onur one day!!),  our first sleepovers with our nephews, our first in-home-office for our first years in business, our first meetings with many clients, our first parking spot for Trudy, so many holidays spent with family, many evenings spent with good friends, and last but not least,  many days spent together just being a couple, just being us, together. We’ll truly miss this place but we our carrying all the good memories with us as we say goodbye!


Check out our other 10-on-10ers :


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