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Featured Weddings

Albany Wedding Photographer | Wollf’s Biergarten Albany New York

By January 27th, 2019No Comments

Meet Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mercurio! We were so excited to celebrate their marriage in Albany, NY.

We had to beg them to pose with the antelope. (is that even an antelope? )

Meg and Rob had a beautiful wedding weekend. The celebration started on Friday night with the rehearsal…


In the morning Meg was all smiles as she got her hair done….

&  beaming with happiness as she stepped into her dress…

she took a moment to take it all in…

A little help from the WP…

a little love from mom…

she was ready to go… 

I had to concentrate on wrapping my brother up in Italian bubble wrap so here is a photo, courtesy Mrs. Fischer, to end the night…

(You can see my hubby and I in the right corner getting the bubble wrap ready).

My baby brother is getting married this weekend to an incredible girl.  While I won’t be officially  “photographing” the wedding, pictures are sure to follow…

Love these two so much!