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We’re so excited to announce we’ll be teaching at a photography retreat this year in one of our favorite places.  We’re combining two of our loves of photographing weddings in the Adirondacks AND mentoring & business coaching,   as we join with a handful of other amazingly talented photographers at the Triple Peak Photography Retreat.

We were so excited when we received the invitation to speak at the Triple Peak Photography Retreat  in Lake Placid this year and are even more excited to meet all the wonderful photographers that are called to join. Come join me and an intimate group of wedding photographers at this retreat & workshop.

Speakers & Teachers: Brian & Christina Shaw (that’s us!) , Mountainaire Gatherings, Dawn Honsky Photography, Due West Photography, & Mark Spooner

What:  Defining & Reaching Your Ideal Client / Building A Brand True To Your Values / Pricing For Sustainability / Simple & Successful Workflow/ Client Interactions Posing / Prompting / Styling Details / Critique / Portfolio Reviews / Marketing Tips / Q & A / Campfire Discussions / Finding Your Why & New Inspiration / Adventure Engagement Styled Shoot / Mountaintop Elopement Styled Shoot

Who’s invited: Wedding Photographers both beginning & established looking for a re-charge!

For more information & to register, visit Triple Peak Photography Retreats.  There is a savings if your ticket is purchased before March 17th, 2018.

Triple peak photography retreats Lake PlacidTriple peak photography retreats Lake PlacidTriple peak photography retreats Lake PlacidTriple peak photography retreats Lake Placid